La Leche League (pronounced la lay-chay) is an international organisation founded to give information and encouragement, mainly through mother-to-mother support, to all women who want to breastfeed their babies.

Monthly Meetings

3rd Tuesday of every month
10am to 12pm

Knaresborough Children's Centre, Manor Road, Knaresborough, HG5 0BN

We hold monthly informal discussion meetings covering a wide range of breastfeeding related topics including:
- why breastfeeding is good for mothers and babies
- preparation and expectations
- getting breastfeeding off to a good start
- overcoming or avoiding challenges and difficulties
- family life with a baby
- nighttime parenting and infant sleep
- returning to work
- nutrition and weaning

Come along to learn more and meet other breastfeeding mothers! Babies and toddlers welcome!